Issue Position: Economy and Jobs

Issue Position

I support a pro-jobs economic agenda to heal our nation. It's time to get excessive government and burdensome regulations out of the way.

Jobs are important to our nation for so many reasons: poverty elimination, economic growth, wealth creation, household income, family stability, and even self-worth. I support a pro-jobs economic agenda to heal our nation.

We are currently in the slowest economic "recovery" in history because the weight of excessive government and taxes are a ball and chain weighing on North Carolina's job creating entrepreneurs. Rolls and rolls of government red tape suffocate job- creating start-up ventures, small businesses, industry and agriculture -- the backbone of our North Carolina economy. Complying with all of the red tape and taxes simply means these higher costs are passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.

I support efforts to unleash the great American free-enterprise engine and strengthen our ability to produce goods and services by getting excessive government interference and burdensome regulations out of the way.
